The supervisory board as a game changer

This time, the Supervisory Board Forum shed light on the sustainable competences of supervisory boards.

This time, the Supervisory Board Forum shed light on the future-oriented competences of supervisory boards and managers in a new location. As part of the focus on 2021 with German guest speakers, Savo A. Klingen and Beate Weber of Koslowski from permitto in Wiesbaden spoke and shared their rich practical experience.

Success factors and "game changing" - Savo Klingen and Beate Weber from Koslowski showed how this works in front of 100 hand-picked guests from Austria and Germany in a dialogue with Dr. Josef Fritz, managing partner of P&P's sister company Board Search.

Competences that decide on success
No less than 18 competencies determine success or failure. Knowing them and taking them into account is the recipe for success in order to be excellently positioned for the future.

New requirements on controllers
In times of digitalisation, globalisation, changing geopolitics and corona, the supervisory board is called upon to act as a sparring partner and provider of external perspectives as well as an independent advisor. In other words, competences that have not been part of the auditor's job description for the last 150 years!

>> To the article by (24.10.21)

>> To the article by (21.10.21)

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